Featured Debates (Debate Starter Pack)

The Great Once Saved Always Saved Debate | Bob Wilkin vs. Steve Gregg

DEBATE | Ben Kissling vs. Curious Christianity - Is the Bible Agnostic About the Age of the Earth?

DEBATE | Dr. Jerry Bergman vs. Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale - Common Design or Common Descent?

Age of the Earth Debate | Dr. Robert Sungenis vs. Dr. Fuz Rana - Young Earth vs. Old Earth

The Evolution of Carnivores (Order Carnivora) Debate - Dr. Dino (Kent Hovind) vs. Dr. Chris Thompson

DEBATE | Sean Griffin vs. Chris Morrison - What is the Correct View of Galatians?

The Great Rapture Debate | Pastor Adam Fannin VS. Pastor Kirby Tabb - Prewrath VS. Pretrib

Soteriology Showdown: Is Repentance of sin a part of the Gospel? Keith Foskey vs. Tommy McMurtry

DEBATE | Perseverance of the Saints vs. Once Saved Always Saved - Jeff Dollar vs. Tommy McMurtry

The Great Salvation Discussion | AK Richardson vs. Charles Jennings - Can Salvation Be Lost?

The Great Salvation Debate | Dr. Robert Sungenis vs. Chris Morrison - Justification by Faith Alone?

The Great James 2 Debate | Bob Wilkin vs. Sean Griffin - Faith is Never Alone?

The Kent Hovind VS. Atheist Junior Debate Saga Continues - Is Carbon Dating Reliable?

DEBATE | Anthony Rogers vs. Andrew Griffin - Does Hebrews Teach the Deity of Jesus Christ?

DEBATE | Is The Trinity Necessary to Explain Reality? - Matt Slick vs. Jake Brancatella

The Great Salvation Debate - Bob Wilkin vs. Robert Sungenis (Salvation by Faith Alone?)

DEBATE | Is God One or Three Divine Persons? - Matt Slick vs. Dr. Shabir Ally

DEBATE | Is There Scientific Evidence for Evolution? || Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Mark Drysdale

Bible Translation Discussion | Will Kinney and Dr. Stephen Boyce - King James Only?

The Great Rapture Debate | Pre-Trib vs. Post-Trib/Pre-Wrath - Jd Morin vs. Donny Budinsky

DEBATE | Does Genetics Support Universal or Separate Ancestry? – Donny Budinsky vs. Grayson Hawk (Chapter Two)

The Great Age of the Earth Debate | Matt Nailor Vs. Grayson Hawk

Age of the Earth Showdown: Radiometric Dating & Young Earth Creation - TRock VS. Conspiracy Catz

DEBATE | The Resurrection of the Dead (Past or Future?) || Dr. William Bell vs. Pastor Scott Clem

The Great Debate | Pastor Daniel Aldridge vs. Dr. Robert Sungenis - Are the Jews Still God's Chosen People?