Multiple Topics Addressed (Questions and Challenges)
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Dedicated To Sharing the truth of Young Earth Creation Science. This channel contain topics on Health, Longevity, Noah's Flood, Genesis, and the true history of humanity.

Who We Are
Defending the Truth of Biblical Creation
The Standing For Truth Biblical Creation Ministry exists to defend the Christian faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. We focus on providing answers to questions pertaining to Biblical Creation, and Christianity. We also strive to refute all objections—and answer all challenges put forth by the critics of Biblical Creation. We also strongly believe in critical thinking, which is why we host interviews, debates, and discussions to further strengthen the believer’s faith. It is also our hope that our content will bring the unbeliever to faith in Jesus Christ and the truth of Biblical Creation.
Donny Budinsky

Dedication to Travis Budinsky
Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you and how you led me to the truth. This ministry continues on because of your dedication to the truth. This ministry would not have been possible if it were not for your amazing efforts, Travis Budinsky. I love you brother. I can’t wait to see you again.
An Interview with Donny Budinsky
Becoming a Biblical Creationist (Testimony)
Lecture | Endogenous Retroviruses – Donny Budinsky
The Endogenous Retrovirus Handbook
By Donny Budinsky
End Times Theology Dawn of the Antichrist
By Donny Budinsky
The Great Rapture Debate
Donny Budinsky vs. JD Morin
The Great Daniel 9 Debate
Donny Budinsky vs. Jamie Russell
Special Creation Updated and Expanded
By Donny Budinsky
(Hosted by Standing For Truth Ministries)
(Hosted by Standing For Truth Ministries)
Best Selling Books
The Great Debate | Marian Dogmas
– Dr. Robert Sungenis vs. Steve Christie
The Great Rapture Debate (Is The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Biblical?)
Pastor Matt Furse vs. Pastor Daniel Aldridge
The Great Salvation Debate
Bob Wilkin vs Robert Sungenis
Is Oneness Biblical?
Matt Slick vs John Barton
The Evolution Debate Challenge (Evolution on Trial)
Kent Hovind vs Planarwalk
Standing For Truth Ministries Presents
Amazing Evidence for Noah’s Flood With Dr. Dan Biddle from Genesis Apologetics
Panel of PhD Scientists Address
Origin Of Life Research on Standing For Truth
PhD Biochemist Debunks JUNK DNA
Pseudogenes, ERVs, and More!
PhD Biochemist Refutes the Critics!
PhD Astrophysicist Gives Amazing Evidence for Young Earth Creation!
Hosted by Standing For Truth
The King James Only Controversy DEBATE
Will Kinney vs. TurretinFan
Top Videos
from the Standing For Truth Ministry
Amazing Evidence For Christianity
Dinosaurs and The Bible
Young Earth Creation Testable Predictions
Did Man Live to 900?
Kent Hovind from Creation Science Evangelism vs. Kenny Rhodes from Reasons To Believe
The Great Age of the Earth Debate! Young or Old?
Ocean Sediments and INCREDIBLE New Flood Developments with Mike Oard
Hosted by Standing For Truth Ministries
The Green River Formation
Michael J. Oard
Refuting Arguments Against Genetic Entropy - Can Simple Organisms Overcome Genetic Entropy?
Refuting Nested Hierarchies and Homology as Evidence for Common Ancestry
Did Adam and Eve Exist? This Scientific Evidence Will Blow Your Mind! The Debate Has Been SETTLED
Demolishing Evidence For Human Evolution
How Genetics Confirms Separate Ancestry (Presented by Donny Budinsky and Matt Nailor)
Examining Human Evolution With Dr. Jerry Bergman
Whatever Happened to the Wooly Mammoth?
Defending the Trinity with Anthony Rogers
Polystrate Fossils – Amazing Evidence for a Worldwide Flood
The Genesis Flood DISCOVERED in our DNA - If You Don't Believe in the Bible, You WILL After This!
Answering Common Questions and Refuting Arguments!
- Is the Behemoth of Job 40 a Dinosaur?
- Where is the Flood/Post-Flood Boundary?
- What are the best responses to Dating Methods and the Heat-Problem?
- Do Creationists Make Testable Predictions?
- What are Neanderthals?
- Neanderthal Debate
- Neanderthals with Standing For Truth and Raw Matt
- Endogenous Retroviruses
- Debunking Endogenous Retroviruses as Evidence for Universal Common Ancestry
- Did Birds Evolve from Dinosaurs?
- Is There Evidence for a Literal Adam and Eve?
- Is There Evidence for Human Evolution?
- The Genesis Flood, and Answering Objections
- Debunking the Local Flood Theory and the Global Flood Heat-Problem
- Does Young Earth Creation Require Hyper-Evolution?
- Debunking Atheist Aron Ra
- Is There Evidence for Christianity?
- Evolution or Devolution?
- Is Limestone a Problem for Young Earth Creation?
- Is There Evidence for Abiogenesis?
- Refuting SciManDan
- Refuting the Critics of Separate Ancestry
- Is Carbon Dating a Problem for Young Earth Creation?
- Created or evolved?
- Refuting Human Evolution
- Mammal-Like Reptiles
- Are Pseudogenes Evidence for Universal Common Ancestry?
- What about Bacteria and Viruses?
- Does Distant Starlight Refute Young Earth Creation?
- Is There Evidence for Young Earth Creation?
- Debunking Dawkins
- Refuting Professor Dave
- What is the Real Racial History of Man?
- Dinosaurs and the Bible
- Are There Lies in the Textbook?
- Big Bang to Humans
- Why Are People Atheists?
- What Must We Do To Be Saved?
- Refuting Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale
- Is There Evidence for Design?
- What About Radiometric Dating?
- Are Nested Hierarchies Best Explained by Descent or Design?
- Is Junk DNA Evidence for Evolution?
- Is The New Testament Reliable?
- Is God Morally Right or Morally Wrong?
- What is the scientific evidence for Adam and Eve?
- Did Dinosaurs have Feathers?
- What can explain the ordering of the Fossil Record?
- Do Young Earth Creationists Require Accelerated Nuclear Decay?
- What is the Real History of the World?
- Is There Evidence for Multicellular Evolution (in Algae)?
- Does Genetic Drift Solve the Mutation Load Paradox?
- Can Young Earth Creationists Explain Metamorphic Rocks? (Responding to Dr. Hugh Ross)

- Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Jackson Roe : Is There Evidence for Human Evolution?
- Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Taylor Gray (Snake Was Right) - The Genesis Flood (Fact or Fiction)?
- Standing For Truth (D. Joseph) vs. Dr. Ron Garret: Is There Evidence for Biblical Creation?
- Standing For Truth (D. Joseph) vs. Dr. Ron Garret: Is There Evidence for Biblical Creation?
- Paul Price vs. Dr. Ron Garret: Genetic Entropy
- Dr. Kevin Anderson vs. Jackson Wheat: Is There Evidence for Common Descent?
- Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Dr. Ron Garret: Is There Reasonable Evidence for Evolution?
- Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Dr. Kenny Rhodes: Age of the Earth
- Standing For Truth (D. Joseph) vs. Gavin Hurlimann: Eternal Security or Conditional Security?
- Standing For Truth (D. Joseph) vs. Marshall: Universal or Separate Ancestry?
- Standing For Truth (D. Joseph) vs. Jackson Roe: Human Evolution or Independent Origins?
- Matt Slick vs. Dr. Ron Garret: Evidence for Christianity
- Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Stacy Turbeville: End Times Theology
- Matt Slick vs. Stacy Turbeville: Trinity or Oneness?
- Raw Matt vs. Gutsick Gibbon: Creation or Evolution
- Matt from SFT Ministries Debates Jackson Roe on “Did Man Live to 900?”
- Professor David McQueen from SFT Ministries Debates Jackson Roe on “The Cambrian Explosion”
- Is There Reasonable Evidence for Evolution? Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Jonathan Finley (Word of the Wild)
- The Great Romans 9 Debate – Francis Turretin vs. AK Richardson
- The Genesis One Discussion – Tyler Vela vs. C. Jay Cox

Intense Soteriology Debate
Donny VS. Daniel Mira (Can A Believer Lose His Salvation?)
Must Watch Presentation
Scientific Evidence for the Inspiration of The Bible with Jay Seegert
Meet The Team
Make a Donation
All donation go right back into our ministry and will be used for creating more videos, debates, livestreams, artwork, and to help us continue to fight the good fight. Thank you for your support, we appreciate your contribution!