The Official Standing For Truth Blog

Is This Biologist Right About Mutation & Fixation Rates? Refuting a Critic
Is This Biologist Right About Mutation & Fixation Rates? A Point-By-Point Response By Donny Budinsky A PhD Biologist (also a PhD in mitochondrial genetics) named

Single-Celled to Multicellular Evolution Observed in Algae?
The Debate Between Dr. Jerry Bergman vs. Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale– Common Design or Common Descent?1 Dr. Jerry Bergman & Donny Budinsky Don’t forget to

Does John 15 Contradict Once Saved Always Saved? Salvation and Service By Donny Budinsky John 15:6 6 If a man abide not in me, he is

The Human Genome Confirms Biblical History
by Donny Budinsky This article is based on this video: The Genesis Flood DISCOVERED in our DNA – If You Don’t Believe in the

Homo Erectus Precludes Human Evolution
A Fossil Record Challenge to Defenders of Evolution By Donny Budinsky Proponents of evolution are faced with a major challenge on fossils. This article

Refuting Gutsick Gibbon’s video titled “Donny Botches Human Chromosome 2 Again” | Bye Bye Fusion
WWW.STANDINGFORTRUTHMINISTRIES.COM ARTICLE Refuting Gutsick Gibbon’s video titled “Donny Botches Human Chromosome 2 Again” By Donny Budinsky *For a full dismantling of the chromosome 2