by Donny Budinsky
This article is based on this video:
The Genesis Flood DISCOVERED in our DNA – If You Don’t Believe in the Bible, You WILL After This!
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Please refer to this image as you read this article:
Figure 1
Source: Origin of Human Mitochondrial DNA Differences. (n.d.). Answers in Genesis. Retrieved December 11, 2022, from
Mitochondrial DNA exists outside of the nucleus in an organelle called the mitochondria (the cell’s powerplant). This important chromosome plays a crucial role in controlling the conversion of sugars into energy. It creates ATP (adenosine triphosphate). In each cell, you have many little (number ranges) mitochondria that produce energy for biological organisms (discussing humans in this article) to live and breathe. The energy produced by mitochondrial DNA sustains life and body function.
Mitochondrial DNA is uni-parentally inherited. This means that it is only passed down from one parent to offspring. In the case of mtDNA, it is passed down solely from the mother’s side. It turns out that worldwide mtDNA all goes back to 3 major nodes (haplogroups). This is incredible confirmation of the Bible’s account of origins. This can be observed in the form of a phylogenetic tree (Figure 1) of mitochondrial DNA. This tree-like diagram represents the history of humanity and it is based on mtDNA from all major people groups. This phylogenetic tree can be generated using standard tree building software. It arranges the most similar mtDNA sequences together. Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson (holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University) of Answers In Genesis did just this.
Important Details
Before moving on, I want to make a few important points about the mtDNA phylogenetic tree (seen in Figure 1). The tips of the branches on this tree represent individuals. If you look to the far right, you’ll find the Khoisan peoples. This group has very long branches. These branches are not necessarily a display of generations–but the number of mitochondrial DNA differences/mutations. For example: if you have a very long branch, that line represents a lot of DNA differences. A short line would indicate fewer DNA differences.
You’ll notice all of the branches in the phylogenetic tree of mtDNA go back to 3 main nodes. These are haplogroups (L, M, and N). They are not contested even in the conventional literature. The lengths of the lines connecting these 3 major groupings are short. This indicates there are only a few DNA differences separating the groups from each other. The lines radiating out from the 3 major haplogroups are long. These lines represent more DNA differences. Could the short lines connecting L, M, and N, represent Pre-Flood history? And the longer lines radiating out from these 3 nodes represent Post-Flood history? Let’s examine these questions.
The Biblical Model of Ancestry
From Genesis, we know that humanity started with two people, Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2:21-22, Genesis 3:20, Matthew 19:4, Mark 10:6, 1 Corinthians 15:45). Humanity’s first parents have kids, their kids have kids, and so on. Approximately 2000 years later, we have the Worldwide Flood. As a result of this massive bottleneck (1 generation followed by rapid and exponential population growth), the earth restarts with 8 people (1 Peter 3:20). From Noah’s 3 sons (Shem, Ham and Japheth) and their 3 wives, the earth was repopulated:
Genesis 9:19
These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.
Based on the Bible’s accounts (creation, the Flood, Babel dispersal) of origins, we can make retrodictions (accounting/explaining data that has already been gathered) and predictions (a specific statement about what will happen in the future based on a hypothesis). In regards to this specific topic, we would expect all mitochondrial DNA to be traced back to 3 starting points (Noah’s 3 daughters in-law). We would expect low diversity (just a few DNA differences separating these 3 woman/nodes). In addition to these expectations, we would anticipate these 3 different nodes roughly corresponding to 3 different continents (Africa, Asia, and Europe). It turns out these expectations have been met!
What do we Find?
We find 3 major mitochondrial DNA haplogroups with these 3 nodes being separated by short branches (representing just a few DNA differences/mutations). As discussed earlier, the branches radiating out from the L, M, and N haplogroups are long (characterizing many DNA differences). Since the world before the Flood consisted of fewer generations (only 10), and longer lives, with many more generations after the Flood (approximately 4200 years), the relative branch lengths fits the Biblical model of ancestry perfectly! The Pre-Flood world would see fewer mutations (less time and fewer generations) with the Post-Flood world being composed of many more mutations. This makes complete sense of why the branches connecting the 3 major nodes are short (fewer mutations, fewer generations), and the branches radiating out from them being long (more generations and more time).
We also find low diversity in the mitochondrial DNA (on average, only approximately 25-30 DNA differences have accumulated since the Flood–with about 120-140 max). We know the mutation rate in the mitochondrial chromosome is high. With low diversity and a faster mutation rate, we are looking at Biblical time. It is easy to accumulate the kind of diversity we see in the mtDNA in just 4500 years since the Flood. We have several independent lines of evidence confirming the Biblical model. These lines of evidence include the number of DNA differences (too few for evolution to be true) in the mitochondrial DNA compartment, as well as the respective branch lengths correlating the time proportions of the Pre- and Post-Flood worlds. These realities meet Biblical expectations.
Lastly, the 3 different nodes do in fact correspond nicely to 3 different continents (reflecting the dispersal of mankind into all the world after the Flood). The Bible makes several statements that have significant genetic implications. These statements about the origins of mankind have been confirmed! It really is a great time to be a Biblical Creationist!
Refuting Objections
1 – “M and N came from L.”
In the 3-node model, M and N may have come from L. This is one possibility. But it is not the only possibility. Since the lifespans in Genesis 5 are very long and overlapping, its plausible that L, M, and N were contemporaries. This means that L, M, and N could have been Noah’s 3 daughters in-law. The data fits very nicely with this hypothesis! Genesis describes long lifespans in the Pre-Flood world. Therefore, we should expect overlap in people during this unique time period. This means Noah’s 3 daughters in-law could have each come from different families, had different mutations, and could have all been different ages. Therefore, L, M, and N could have lived at the same time. To say otherwise is to misunderstand the Biblical model of ancestry. Guardians of evolution have done a poor job engaging this model. Their objections have been sufficiently countered.
2 – “But Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson has no root on this tree.”
What the critics call an “unrooted” tree actually has a root. This is the “Eve” position. This is an objection based on many evolutionary assumptions–some being unprovable. When guardians of common descent say “unrooted”, what they mean is “you have to follow our evolutionary assumptions”. One assumption is that we need to have an evolutionary outgroup. This is a form of circular reasoning.
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson has stated that he does root the tree. He roots it on the L node as “Eve”/one of Noah’s 3 daughters in-law. This is because 1 of these wives of Noah’s sons could have mtDNA that is very close to Eve.
The most important fact is that testable predictions have resulted from the placement of this root. Dr. Jeanson has used this data to test the Y chromosome (another uni-parentally inherited DNA compartment). The Y chromosome is paternally inherited (rather than maternally inherited like the mtDNA). His active research project has seen remarkable success in tracing the history of mankind. If the mtDNA and Y chromosomes represented 100s of thousands of years of human evolution, we should not be able to do this.
The critics clear lack of success in countering this data is amazing testimony to the validity of this model explaining the true origins of humanity. The human genome really has confirmed Biblical history!
1 – The Genesis Flood DISCOVERED in our DNA – If You Don’t Believe in the Bible, You WILL After This!
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2 – Origin of Human Mitochondrial DNA Differences. (n.d.). Answers in Genesis. Retrieved December 11, 2022, from