
The Human Genome Confirms Biblical History
By Donny Budinsky

Refuting Dr. Stefan Frello (Part One) The Y Chromosomes of Humans & Great Apes
by Donny Budinsky

Truth In Research (TIR) Publication
Salvation by Faith or Faithfulness?
Ditmar Hoxha (with editorial contributions by Donny Budinsky)

Single-Celled to Multicellular Evolution Observed in Algae?  (Response to Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale),
Dr. Jerry Bergman & Donny Budinsky

Does John 15 Contradict Once Saved Always Saved? Salvation and Service
By Donny Budinsky

Can Scales Be Converted into Feathers?
By Jerry Bergman, PhD

Lizards Evolving Placentas? The Debate Between Dr. Jerry Bergman vs. Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale – Common Design or Common Descent?
By Jerry Bergman, PhD

Overturning the Human Chromosome 2 Fusion – Refuting the Critics

Refuting Gutsick Gibbon’s video titled “Donny Botches Human Chromosome 2 Again” | Bye Bye Fusion

Is This Biologist Right About Mutation & Fixation Rates? A Point-By-Point Response
By Donny Budinsky

Refuting Arguments Against Genetic Entropy Can Simple Organisms Overcome Genetic Entropy?
Refuting Nested Hierarchies and Homology as Evidence for Common Ancestry
Proving a Post-Tribulation Pre-Wrath Rapture (Daniel 12:1 and Those Written in the Book)

The Human Genome Confirms Biblical History
By Donny Budinsky

Refuting Preterism – There are some standing Here | Who are the two Witnesses?
Refuting False Eschatology Arguments (The Trumpet and Vial Judgments Occur Simultaneously)