The Human Genome Confirms Biblical History
By Donny Budinsky
Refuting Dr. Stefan Frello (Part One) The Y Chromosomes of Humans & Great Apes
by Donny Budinsky
Truth In Research (TIR) Publication
Salvation by Faith or Faithfulness?
Ditmar Hoxha (with editorial contributions by Donny Budinsky)
Dr. Jerry Bergman & Donny Budinsky
Does John 15 Contradict Once Saved Always Saved? Salvation and Service
By Donny Budinsky
Can Scales Be Converted into Feathers?
By Jerry Bergman, PhD
Lizards Evolving Placentas? The Debate Between Dr. Jerry Bergman vs. Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale – Common Design or Common Descent?
By Jerry Bergman, PhD
Overturning the Human Chromosome 2 Fusion – Refuting the Critics
Refuting Gutsick Gibbon’s video titled “Donny Botches Human Chromosome 2 Again” | Bye Bye Fusion
Is This Biologist Right About Mutation & Fixation Rates? A Point-By-Point Response
By Donny Budinsky
The Human Genome Confirms Biblical History
By Donny Budinsky
- What are Neanderthals?
- Endogenous Retroviruses
- Is There Evidence for Human Evolution?
- The Genesis Flood, and Answering Objections
- Evolution or Devolution?
- Refuting the Critics of Separate Ancestry
- All Humanity Originating From Two People by M. Nailor
- Invalidation of the Evolutionary Molecular-Neutral Clock by M. Nailor and D. Joseph
- Debunking Endogenous Retroviruses PART TWO
- Is There Scientific Evidence for a Literal Adam and Eve?
- Y Chromosome Mutation Rate Predictions
- GENESIS FLOOD CONFERENCE 2021 (Amazing Evidence for the Validity of Genesis)
- The End of Junk DNA (Debunking Junk Science)
- Amazing Evidence for Once Saved Always Saved
- Salvation by Faith Alone and Historical Christianity
- Debunking Endogenous Retroviruses as Evidence for Common Descent